Book Your Stay with Muay Thai Gym Punchit

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* Food inclusive offer at the Punch it Healthy Cafe

Per day you have choice from the complete Menu for 660 Baht and you only pay 600 Baht. 60 Baht per day will be credited for your advance booking.

You also have the possibility to choose the golden membership option, so you have an additional discount of 10%. If the credit is used up, there is the possibility to top up on site at the same conditions if you had booked them in advance.

Punch it Healthy Cafe opening times:

  • Sunday to Friday 07.30am – 08.30pm
  • Saturday closed

Punchit Cafe Food

** Here you can find information about the exclusive Punch it Golden Member Circle membership:

  • only possible in connection with this booking
  • limited Shorts, toiletry bag & shower products
  • 20% discount on all Punch it accessories and discounts in local shops and restaurants

Free Golden Circle Member exclusive set