The Punch it Newcomer Challenge
We, Punch it Gym Koh Samui, are the promoter of the international Punch it Newcomer Challenge – in association with Bernard Caplin and CHOK! Magazine, one of the most popular international martial arts magazines worldwide.
Together we have created an international tournament concept for Muaythai newcomers, encompassing 4 to 6 national tournaments in different countries and at different weight classes. Each national tournament winner wins 2 weeks free fightcamp at our gym here on Koh Samui, including hotel room. On top, each winner also gets the opportunity of a paid fight against a professional Thai fighter in the grand finale hier on Samui in November.
Each national tournament is a 4-participant format, our goal is to help develop new young talent around the world. The age range is set from 16 to maximum 21 years old, fighters cannot have fought in Thailand before and must not have more than 10 A-class Muaythai fights upon entry.
Each national tournament is organised by a local promoter, which can also be a federation or a club. Bernard Caplin, an experienced promoter, will assist all local promoters with their organisation, event planning and rules & regulations. The grand final will be at the famous Phetchbuncha Stadium on Koh Samui late November. All finalists will receive a small fight purse in baht for this fight, also special Muaythai clothing & accessories from Punch it.
A country may host a national tournament no more than twice, after which our committee will consider new countries. All applications to host a national tournament in the coming year must be approved by December.
Please check out our gallery below and social media pages for regular informations:
Impressions / Gallery
Thank you Czech Republic and welcome to Punch it fight night event 2023! 🇹🇭
Thank you to everyone in the Czech Republic who helped make this years national Punch it Newcomer Challenge event another big success. Promoters Bernard Caplin, Michal Novák and Petr Ottich, all the fighters, coaches and trainers, the first class ring officials and staff from the CMTA - Czech Muaythai Association, an excellent ring announcer, all the sponsors, partners, media and production, all the helpers, supporters and fans and all the behind the scenes guys and girls that helped make for a memorable international Muaythai evening in Ceske Budejovice! 🇨🇿
Punch it is for everyone, with guests from all walks of life visiting the camp on the tropical island of Koh Samui. 🏝️ For more infos on the gym, accommodation and training, please visit the website or email enquiries to
#strictlymuaythai #fightyourwaytothailand
And the winner is... Punch it Newcomer Challenge 2023 Champion of the Czech Republic at 71kg is Patrik Ilusak from Aplik Muaythai Gym Prague! 🇨🇿
Patrik wins two full weeks free training camp including accommodation at Punch it Gym Koh Samui Muay Thai 🇹🇭
Congratulations to Patrik, coach Jirka Aplik Apeltauer and everyone on the Prague team. Also big ups for his opponent in a great final tonight, 18 year old Jan Pasak from Gladiators gym České Budějovice, another new star in the making, for sure.
What a fantastic evening of Muaythai, thank you to promoters Michal Novák and Petr Ottich from the CMTA - Czech Muaythai Association, a perfect event - as always.
#strictlymuaythai #fightyourwaytothailand #muaythaitournament #muaythaifighter
Do you want to become a Muay Thai pro?
Then we might have a few approaches here that will help you with this step. Let`s go and get out of the comfort zone! No risk, no gain!
Check out our new Blog at #punchitnewcomerchallenge #punchitfighter #muaythaitraining #punchitfight #muaythai #phetchbunchastadium #punchitfightnight #muaythaifighter #muaythaikohsamui #punchitnewcomerchallenge #fightyourwaytothailand #punchitfighter #muaythaigym
A quick look ahead to 2023.
Looking forward to another exciting year for Muaythai newcomers - with Austria 🇦🇹, Croatia 🇭🇷, Czech Republic 🇨🇿, Germany 🇩🇪 and Spain 🇪🇸 all inked to promote national tournaments in 2023. Currently also UK 🇬🇧 and Denmark 🇩🇰 in talks, we will keep you updated!
And watch out for the ladies! Next year will include at least one and our first ever 4-female national tournament event!
Thank you to @phetchbunchasamuistadium , อภิเดช คำแกเว, all our great national partner promoters, sponsors, officials, fighters and supporters, without you guys we wouldn`t have a chance. Khop khun krab mag and see you all again next year! 🙏
#strictlymuaythai #fightyourwaytothailand
The winner of the Punch it Challenge in the Czech Republic 2022 was also able to prove itself in Thailand. He clearly dominated the opponent and won with a hard knockout. We congratulate Michal Pakiž for this great fight! You can find the fight here in the livestream recording:
CHOK! Magazine will regularly report on events, the magazine can be read online or in hard copy, 3x times per year at your local gym. If your gym doesn´t list it, maybe ask them to!
Any questions? For international infos please contact Bernard Caplin, for updates or enquiries on our activities and schedule in Thailand, please contact Markus Muster.
Request tournament & information:
International Event Director at
Punch it Newcomer Challenge
Bernard Caplin
Training camp & final fight information:
Punch it Muaythai Gym
124/666 Moo 3, Maret
Koh Samui
Surat Thani 84310
+66 61 661 5161