A score shall be awarded when boxers use fists, feet, knees, and elbows as Muaythai fighting weapons to hit his opponent powerfully, accurately, unprotected, and according to the rules.
Scoring advantage is awarded to:
- The boxer who goes on target with Muaythai weapons the most.
- The boxer with heavier, more powerful, and the most accurate hits on target, using muaythai weapons.
- The boxer who can cause more physical exhaustion to his opponent by use of Muaythai weapons.
- The boxer who shows better style of aggressive attacks.
- The boxer who shows better defense of muaythai art and techniques.
- The boxer who violates the rules the least.
Scoring advantage is not awarded to:
- The boxer who violates any rule when using his muaythai weapons.
- Muaythai weapons strike on the opponent’s arm(s) or leg(s) as his self-defense techniques.
- The hit is light, without power or body weight behind it.
- The boxer kicks on target, his kicking leg is caught by his opponent, and he is thrown on the ring floor. The kicker however scores a point, if his leg is caught by the opponent, and he pretends to fall on the ring floor (violation of rules).
- Throwing the opponent on the floor without using any muaythai weapon.
Scoring points system:
- Full ten (10) points are given to the winner of the round and his opponent may be given 9 – 8 – 7 points in proportion. Points are not given in fraction.
- For an even round, both boxers score full ten (10) points (10:10).
- The winner of a round scores ten (10) points and the loser scores nine (9) points (10:9),
- The clear winner of a round scores ten (10) points and the loser scores eight (8) points (10:8).
- The winner of a round with his opponent having been counted once in that round scores ten (10) points and the loser scores eight (8) points (10:8).
- The clear winner of a round with his opponent having been counted once in that round scores ten (10) points and the loser scores seven (7) points (10:7).
- The winner of a round with his opponent having been counted twice that round scores ten (10) points and the loser scores seven (7) points (10:7).
- Boxers who have been warned must lose one point in that round.